

  1. “The art and science of cultivating forest crops” (Indian Forest and Forest Products Terminology)
  2. Silviculture refers only to certain aspects of the theory and practice of raising forest crops (Champion and Seth)
  3. Silviculture is that branch of forestry which deals with the establishment, development, care, and reproduction of standsof timber.

Silvics is the study of life history and general characteristics of forest trees and crops with particular reference to environmental factors, as the basis for the practice of silviculture.

  • Silviculture includes both silvicsand their practical application.
  • Silviculture is not a purely biological science which has norelation with economics.


  1. Production of species of economic value (Propagation of more valuable and useful species to meet the multifarious requirements of the people)
  2. Production of larger volume per unit area/increasing the productivity of the forests
  3. Production of quality timber
  4. Reduction of rotation
  5. Raising forests in blank areas/unproductive areas
  6. Creation of man-made forests in place of natural forests
  7. Introduction of exotics
  8. Control of stand structure
  9. Control of composition
  10. Control of stand density
  11. Conservation of site quality
  12. Increase employment opportunities
  13. Increase the production of fuel and fodder
  14. Development of forest industries
  15. Derive environmental benefits
  16. Protection and reduction of losses

Special thanks forestry Nepal.

Booklist for Zoology

Sharing booklist of zoology of one of the IFS toppers.She cleared IFS exam in her first attempt and got rank in top 20.3 cheers for the girl.I would request the topper to write a post.

Booklist for Zoology
Taxonomy- Non Chordates- RL kotpal, the booklet series, one booklet for every phylum. Invertebrates- RL kotpal
Ecology-Ignou notes
Ethology- Animal behavior S.chand
Instrumentation method-wilson and walker (PDF is available)
Economic Zoology- ignou notes and BN Pandey volume 5

Paper 2 ( All books are available in PDF)
Cell biology- Albert’s
Development Biology- Gilberts

Booklist for Geology

  1. Text Book of Geology – G.B Mahapatra
  2.  Underground Hydrology – David Keith Toad
  3. Principals of Engineering Geology-Bangar

  4. (Must have book,should be read cover to cover)


  5. Dana’s Textbook of Mineralogy/or Rutley’s book of crystallography.

  6. paleontology books by jain &jain (covers important topic don’t leave it)
  7. Savindra singh (physical geography)
  8. and (

Of the listed above ,I read book 1 and 3 almost cover to cover and rest here and there.Internet was of very much help.

In later posts ,I would share how to search and use internet resources for misc. topics